Viola Robotics Group Picture

The Viola High School robotics team, Mechanically Challenged will be competing on Friday, March 8 and Saturday, March 9, 2024 in the Arkansas Regional FIRST® Robotics Competition. The tournament is being held at the brand new Lion Arena on the campus of Searcy High School in Searcy, Arkansas. The address for the venue if you plan to come watch the tournament in person is Searcy Lion Arena, 301 N. Ella, in Searcy, Arkansas.

Mechanically Challenged is one of 30 teams competing for a spot at the the FIRST® Robotics World Championship that will be held in April in Houston, Texas. Here are some informational links about this week's regional tournament:

Thursday will be a work day, where the team will be working on getting the robot ready for competition and getting some practice in before the qualification matches begin on Friday morning, with the championship tournament on Saturday afternoon. Here is the link to watch on Friday and Saturday. (This link will be updated as necessary if it changes.)